The following examination/email was conducted by Reuben from our show and analyzes a submitted mysterious audio clip from a resident of the Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada.

I ran your recording through spectral analysis view and cleaned up the audio as best I could to see if we could determine if the frequencies are known from species native to our area. Before I get to what I’ve uncovered, I’ll briefly explain how this process works in case you are unfamiliar with it.

Spectral analysis is the study of audio in the form of a visual “heat map” so to say.

Just like a fingerprint, every animal leaves behind incredibly similar patterns in appearance to a point we can use this to identify species by visual comparison.

I’ll attach an image here of known animals in our area below. The screenshots in blue/orange will be taken from an old Thinker Thunker video on the subject as fortunately he’s done similar comparisons before.

Click Photo to view ThinkerThunker YouTube page and video image is sourced from.

As you can see these patterns are all unique and cover different spreads.

  • 15k ~ 1k horizontal spread – Coyote
  • 7k ~ 300 horizontal spread – Dog
  • 2.k ~ 300 horizontal spread – Wolf
  • 15k ~ 400 vertical spread – Fox
  • 5k ~ 700 horizontal spread – Bobcat
  • 1.5k horizontal spread ~ Cougar
  • 9k ~ 1.5k horizontal/vertical spread ~ Owl

Now on to your recording (images captured by me in purple/red):

  • 2k (noise) the sound of something opening and a ticking clock are vertical lines here.
  • 1.5k ~ 400 horizontal spread of howls/screams
  • 400 and below (unfortunately absorbed by noise)

After cleanup and removing frequencies that are mostly noise, plus cutting out the silent parts, we are left with this (and some clock ticking).

The noise below 400 was too deep to recover any audio, leaving a small portion of the original screams out but most of that is below the threshold of human hearing anyway.

Visually without noise, it would have been interesting to see how close to 100 it could have gotten to make comparison easier to the following mystery howls.

“Known” Bigfoot screams:

2k ~ 100 horizontal spread

Here is a comparison of all of these recordings visually lined up at the 1k mark, with yours in red:

There are frequencies below that possible for a cougar. It’s not quite arched enough to be a bobcat. Visually it is extremely similar to previously unidentifiable screams often uploaded as evidence of Sasquatch and other cryptids.

The real answer is obviously left to our imagination, which is the least satisfying thing to say. But such is life until definite evidence proves the existence of some mystery being. If said being screams into a microphone and creates the same pattern, we’d be able to say for sure what it is.

I will attach the cleaned-up and trimmed sample of your recording as well.

Western Canadian Wilderness

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